We did it! We found and bought a bigger trailer. We now have an indoor kitchen and our own bathroom. The Adventure Pups also have their own space and aren't walking all over our bed. We loved the T@g and it treated us well for the last year. We went on many adventures together and it inspired us to want to do more and go more places. The T@g started us off and we will never forget that.
It is time now for bigger adventures and longer trips. We decided on a Coleman Apex 215RBK. It is 21ft long and 7.5ft wide and just over 4,000lb dry. One of our goals for a new trailer was to stay as close to 50% of our towing capacity as possible and this trailer is pretty close.
We are putting it all together now and acquiring the items that our teardrop didn't need but, this trailer does. We are also discussing decorating ideas. Island themed, mtb themed, colors, we are happy to have some choices.
We are excited to be able to plan trips now that were previously out of our reach. Currently, we are planning a trip to Spider Mountain to try some downhill riding! We are waiting for a little cooler weather as there are no hook ups there to run the AC.
We look forward to sharing our next adventure with you!
Congratulations! Now to full-time on a more regular basis!
Best wishes on your new adventures. Enjoying your trips and love the boys. Looking forward to the color selections. Travel safe. Love you